Sunday, July 31, 2016


Last Sunday I was called to be a Primary worker in our church. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been a substitute teacher in Primary for the past several months off and on and so it was not a huge surprise. I was unsure at first if I really wanted to do it. I mean, after all, I have 6 children of my own and not a whole lot of free time on my hands with which to plan and prepare lessons for a group of 4 and 5 year old children. I also had moments of insecurity followed by a confidence that I could do it. Today was my first day and I must say, I way over prepared. I had a laminated story book and cut out flannel board pieces and coloring pages and was ready to deliver the best lesson ever. Too bad the children missed that memo and just wanted snacks, which of course in all my preparation, didn't even think about! Hopefully next week will be better. Overall I would say the lesson was a success, pictures were colored, stories were exchanged and no one left without a smile.