Saturday, June 1, 2013

A full day

This morning we attended the 3-mile event Mmmove and had a blast! The kids ran, walked, strolled, rode and slept and we had a wonderful time. It was exhausting but a lot of fun. We also spent the afternoon hanging around Roanoke, VA at several places. I didn't realize how sore my feet were until I sat down! So glad to be home!

I received a message from a long time friend this morning and it really reminded me of just what is important, but yet so fleeting. Time. Almost any parent will tell you in regards to your children, they grow up so fast! And that is completely and absolutely correct. It seems like 20 years is a long time, but really it's not that long. Time marches on relentlessly and although I crave ME-time, I am finding myself craving quality time more. And not because I want to torture my children or my sweet husband, but because I know that if I do not seize the opportunity now to spend that quality time with my children, I will choose to waste those moments and I want memories, not regrets.

SO, I have devised a plan of action!! (I am all about making lists and planning...not so great on the follow through but great at the planning and listing!) This summer, during our electronics fast, I will make certain that I am spending at least some time every day (not specific allotted amounts, just time in general) with each of my children individually. Baby is easy since I nurse him still. He gets the most 1 on 1 attention from me everyday. I have beefed up our craft box so we have lots to do when I hear the inevitable, I'm bored!! There's nothing to do!! I can simply direct them to the craft box or the activity shelves and they can select something. Or they can read. Reading is great! We are also planning weekly trips to the library!! Not for story time or anything like that but to check out books since ours are 'so boring!' We are already going out for a walk/run/jog almost daily. It's healthy and good to get outside and helps them see we are not couch potatoes either! I just hope things go smoothly this summer. I am sure there will be snags, bumps, hiccups and issues along the way but overall I think the kids will be happier for it and our family will be better off because of it.

p.s.-we also have outside stuff to do so I'm bored will just not wash!! (and if they think it should, they can wash the dishes or the clothes) :)

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