Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hard working Thursday

We have had a garden every year for as long as we have been married and so this year, we are going to have a garden as well. The difference? The kids are going to be the ones tending it, under my watch of course! I have always been the one to do almost everything from starting seeds to endless hours of weeding to harvesting, mulching and composting. I am ready to share the jobs!! That being said, today we all went outside while baby Carter and Mr. Carter were napping to do a little more hand tilling and weed/brush removal of our garden space. Lily, Noah and Gwenna worked alongside me for over an hour and a half!!! I was beyond grateful for their helpful and happy attitudes and hard work. They worked carefully and diligently almost the entire time. Korey and I went to the store yesterday and got a child size hoe and shovel along with a pair of work gloves for each of the children. They like to dress the part if they are going to be asked to work! :) I know that planting a garden is important for our family. It isn't just about having fresh veggies that will feed our family, but it also about teaching the kids about hard work and the blessings of the harvest that we get to enjoy. They get to see that patience, planning and hard work will pay off and that we will have enough to bless us and our neighbors as well. They are excited about it and I am too! Here's a quick picture of everyone hard at work! (except me of course since I am behind the camera!)

On another note, the hat I made for Gwenna last night conveniently fits Lily as well and so I took some shots of them outside today in it! Here those are :)

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